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You are enough.

Solution Focused Therapy

While we specialize in non-pharmacological interventions for technology and internet related mental health conditions, counselors can address a vast array of mental health issues including anxiety, depression, low self esteem, and relationship concerns.

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Our Services

Our therapists can help guide you through the source of your worries. At times our self-described weaknesses are also strengths you can harness once they’re understood. Our strength-based approach focuses on bringing these to the forefront in order to shift your perspective and diminish your fears through solution focused, cognitive behavioral, and mindfulness techniques.

Therapy will help you:

  • Break obsessive compulsions.

  • Dismantle toxic self image and negative thought loops.

  • Discover a greater sense of self worth.

  • Develop healthy coping strategies aimed at improving self esteem.

  • Foster positive, lasting relationships.

  • Improve focus.

  • Improve sleep.

  • Establish clear boundaries, self autonomy, and a stronger sense of self.


Use our chat to book a consultation with one of our counselors today!

Internet-type Mental Health Therapy & Care


Our therapists are trained specialists in the area of Human-Computer Interaction and able to help individuals and families navigate internet-type related mental health conditions like social media addictions and compulsions. What differentiates our services to others is that DrugFr33 counseling takes a firm & proactive approach to combating social media and internet-type mental health conditions.


Social media is known to cause terrible deficits in self-esteem, feelings of lowered self-worth, and diminished personal relationships. When you break free from the toxic trap of social media addiction, you will re-discover self-autonomy and develop a stronger sense of self. Having high self-esteem means you have self-respect. And by respecting yourself, you also respect others. This means your journey to success will put your total well-being high up on your list of priorities because looking after your own needs is your own responsibility. And change comes from within. No one can truly know what you need and what is right for you better than yourself.

Self-esteem also means trusting yourself and trusting that you have the answer to life’s challenges within yourself. It is too often we look to others for advice on social media platforms, but these screens can only give you advice from their own lens through which they view life. This is dangerous and can never be as good as acknowledging and embracing your inner knowing. We are all on our own unique paths in life.

Self-esteem means trusting that you have the power to fulfill your amazing dreams. It means learning to believe in yourself and trusting your intuition.

Self-esteem also means that you have great integrity, which means that you act according to your values and ethical beliefs regardless of what anyone else might think especially social media users. Your value is not defined by the amount of shares, likes, and hearts on social media.

Our therapists have discovered through doing this work that with time and dedication, absolutely anyone can have rebuild and develop high self-esteem. It is something we can learn, through skillful and dutiful practice. Social media has programmed you into downgrading and comparing yourself to others online. Living In Real Life, IRL and developing healthy self-esteem means following your moral compass without faulter. It means that you stay true to what is important to you.

Further, just like with any other ability you learn in life, all you need to understand is what to do. And then do it. Apply it over and over. Again, and again, and again. Just like checking social media started as a “habit”, now you can begin the journey to the healthy habit of re-enforcing self-esteem.

Are you starting to see the immense value of developing healthy self-esteem? It is fundamental to your total well-being.

Internet Type-Related Mental Health Therapy will help you:

  • Break obsessive compulsions related to social media usage and abuse.

  • Dismantle toxic neural loops directly associated with Social Media Addictions.

  • Discover a greater sense of self worth.

  • Develop healthy coping strategies aimed at improving self esteem.

  • Foster positive, lasting relationships.

  • Improve focus.

  • Improve sleep.

  • Establish clear boundaries, self autonomy, and a stronger sense of self.

Bottom Line

Healthy self-esteem means that you hold yourself in high esteem, that you value yourself, that you respect yourself. That you feel good about who you are. The only opinion about you that matters is your own.

It means that when you look at yourself in the mirror, you say kind and appreciative things. It means that when you see a photograph of yourself, you love the way you look without the need of a filter. It means you have a kind and supportive inner voice, and not a harsh inner critic or online opinion. It means you can accept yourself exactly the way you are. 

Social media has been reconditioning your brain and diminishing your self-worth so that you feel constantly that you’re not enough. is here to tell you that “You are enough.”


It’s never too late to regain what social media has taken from you again. Self-esteem also means that you are not constantly seeking validation from others, because you already get that from yourself. And you are not stuck people-pleasing or obsessive-compulsive online behaviors, since that always stems from seeking approval. 

You are enough.

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