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Social media is ruining your life, but you're still using it... is made possible by volunteer efforts. 100% of proceeds go to supporting DrugFr33's mission to combat online crime and continue to deliver critical public health information to at-risk communities.

You might have trouble imagining your world without your social media, but former Fortune 500 IT consultant & engineer turned clinical mental health researcher & crisis intervention counselor, J.A. Thomas, founder of, insists that we’re far better off without it. In D.S.M. 7 Steps to Social Media Abstinence, Thomas, who is one of a growing army of industry experts going offline, offers powerful and personal reasons for all of us to abandon these treacherous online platforms.


The book’s rationale for freeing ourselves from social media’s toxic grip include the applications’ inherent lures that bring out the worst parts of us and innate programmatic abilities to trick us with illusions of popularity, fame, and success. In it, the reader witnesses the dangers of social media usage from a law enforcement and clinical mental health perspective. How can we remain autonomous in a world where we are being manipulated and sold to at every click and held under constant surveillance by the wealthiest corporations in history that have no way of making money other than being paid to manipulate our behavior and rewire our brains?

J.A. Thomas left a lifetime career in Big Tech in pursuit of investigating online crime with law enforcement. As a software engineer turned clinical crisis intervention counselor, J.A.'s experiences building online platforms made to be addictive & alluring, coupled with her clinical counseling experiences with traumatized adolescents and families facing life-threatening consequences of social media platforms formulate the background of the methodologies introduced in D.S.M. 7.

The hope is to foster transparent public health information surrounding the dangers of social media usage and its links to severe mental health conditions and the illicit online sex & drug trades-- dangers that are shrouded in secrecy and hidden from the public lens in favor of lining the pockets of social media juggernauts. Whereas solutions like limiting screen time serve as a temporary solution to the dangerous and deadly consequences of social media usage, the methodologies introduced in D.S.M. 7 insist in total abstinence from all popular social media applications as key to driving us towards richer and more meaningful ways of living by connecting us back to the world beyond the tiny blue screen.

Expert Testimonials


"This book deserves the attention of all parents"

Kevin Tanski, Law Enforcement NYPD


"Sure, social media has positive implications. Capture your life moments to share with family and friends, keep up to date with loved ones, or reconnect with an old friend. But social media comes with its negative implications, which in my opinion, far outweigh the good. The D.S.M. 7 illustrates the evolution of this battlefield.


The first wars were fought with stick and stone, today war consist in psychological warfare. How do you combat something that is invisible and subconsciously not aware of? ‘They’ don’t have the need to physically dominate you if your mind can be compromised. The glorious prize to ‘them’, is seizing your mind. This book delivers invaluable public safety information about online crime and risks in an exciting and accessible manner. Take one second, and imagine a world where criminals had invisibility cloaking. Would that make you a little more hyper-vigilant about stepping outside? The consistency with people subjected to cyber-attacks, is that they all thought it wouldn’t happen to them. In this vast sea of people, what are the chances? Right? No matter how big or small you think you are, it only takes one single click to turn your world upside down. It’s time to unplug."

Jonathan Webb Law Enforcement U.S. Army


"The illicit online substance trade is no joke. D.S.M. 7 Steps to Social Media Abstinence is a great proactive approach to keeping kids from damaging websites and applications that expose them to deadly drugs."

Cliff Scholnick U.S. Customs and Border Protection Senior Officer, Ret. Department of Homeland Security


"J.A. Thomas takes an important but very dark and depressing subject, and makes it a fun and interesting read for both the clinician and the layperson alike by injecting unexpected humor. Chock full of wit and wisdom. This book will help you change your life for the better and allow you to proudly proclaim … I’m offline."

Dr. James S. Kastendiek, M.D Clinical Psychiatry

Delete Me (D.S.M. 7 Steps to Social Media Abstinence Kindle Version)

  • This digital copy is offered at a special discount and exclusive to It cannot be found on any other source.

    #DeleteMe: D.S.M. 7 Steps to Social Media Abstinence is avaialble at no cost to school resource officers and educators.

    For print and hardcover inquiries, please use our chat or Amazon store :)

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Delete Me: D.S.M 7 Steps to Social Media Abstinence is available at no cost to school resource officers and educators. Please inquire using our chat or email us for more information about this program.

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